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DS101 notes

Here are some of my notes about the DS101 course.

I’ve come a little late to the party, but that’s ok.

The Syllabus

The schedule

Week 1

Bradbury, The Veldt

Bradbury, There Will Come Soft Rains

write an initial post responding to either or both of the Bradbury stories.

[/] WEEK 2 Jan. 19: Clay Shirky, “Does the Internet Make You Smarter” Nicholas Carr, “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” Assignment: 1) Refine your Medium publication by deciding on a name, a description, a layout, tags, etc. Create a logo for your publication. A logo should be exactly 72 pixels tall and up to 600 pixels wide and work on a white background. 2) Also, sign up for our DGST101 Slack channel by navigating to dgst101.slack.com, say hello, and start getting your bearings there.

Jan. 21: Audrey Watters, “The Web We Need to Give Students” “A Vision of Student’s Today” Assignment: 1) Publish a post to your own Medium Publication (in any genre: text, video, sound, image). Respond in some way to any of the readings or media stuffs we are discussing this week. 2) Search #dgst101 on Medium. Find posts by a few of your peers in the class and add comments. Respond to comments.

[/] WEEK 3 Jan. 26: Snow Day Jan. 28: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (3–96, ch. 1–8) Assignment: 1) Publish a post to your own Medium Publication (in any genre: text, video, sound, image). Respond in some way to Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? 2) Search #dgst101 on Medium. Find posts by a few of your peers in the class and add comments. Respond to comments.

[/] WEEK 4 Feb. 2: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (97–195, ch. 9–16) Feb. 4: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (196–244, ch. 17–22) Assignment: 1) Publish a post to your own Medium Publication (in any genre: text, video, sound, image). Respond in some way to Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep. 2) Go to Slack. Find the #androids-dream channel. Post a link to one or the Medium posts you’ve written about the book. Quote something from your post. Ask a question. Answer a question. Provoke discussion.

[/] WEEK 5 Feb. 9: Blade Runner (Amazon) (iTunes) Feb. 11: Virtual Class Session (details TBD) Assignment: (1) Read the Preface and Ch. 1 from Small Pieces Loosely Joined. (2) Publish a post to your Medium Publication with a tentative response to the question “What is the internet?” (3) Search #dgst101 on Medium. Find posts by a few of your peers and add comments. Respond to comments. (4) Begin working on Rebuild the Internet due Feb. 25.

[/] WEEK 6 Feb. 16: Small Pieces Loosely Joined, cont. discussion of Preface and Ch. 1 Feb. 18: Discuss Rebuild the Internet Projects in Groups (come to class with a sketch, draft, or idea). In class project: The art of the animated GIF

[/] WEEK 7 Feb. 23: In class project: The art of the animated GIF (1) Instructions for making a GIF (and formatting for the Media Wall). (2) There are also some online tools you can use to make a GIF in your browser. Just Google something like “make a GIF.” (3) Share your GIF in the #animated-gif channel in the DGST 101 Slack.

Feb. 25: Rebuild the Internet Assignment Due


[/] WEEK 9 Mar. 8: Craig Mod, “Books in the Age of the iPad” Weing, “Pup Ponders the Heat Death of the Universe” Assignment: Publish a post to your own Medium Publication (in any genre: text, video, sound, image). Respond in some way to one or both of the readings for the day.

Mar. 10: Assignment: Self-reflection and Submit one (or two) revised post(s) to course publication.

[/] WEEK 10 Mar. 15: Discuss virtual class sessions. Continue discussing Electronic Literature.

Mar. 17: Virtual Class Session: What’s Behind Door Number 10101?

[/] WEEK 11 Mar. 22: Virtual Class Session: What’s Behind Door Number 10101?

Mar. 24: Virtual Class Session: What’s Behind Door Number 10101?

[/] WEEK 12 Mar. 29: Share results from Virtual Class Session and Discuss Drafts of Final Project.

Mar. 31: Limbo Jane McGonigal, “Gaming Can Make a Better World” (will watch in class)

[/] WEEK 13 April 5: “Excavating the Video-Game Industry’s Past” Anita Sarkeesian, “Damsel in Distress,” “Body Language & the Male Gaze” Veli-Matti Karhulahti, “Defining the Videogame” Kevin Wong, “The Most Depressing Theories On What Limbo Means” (lots of spoilers, so you may want to play the whole game first) Assignment: Publish a post to your Medium Publication with a tentative response to the question “What is the internet?” (3) Search #dgst101 on Medium. Find posts by a few of your peers and add comments. Respond to comments.

April 7: Make a Game. An interactive or collaborative narrative. Even just a simple prototype for a game. Use inkle, Construct, Sploder, Scratch, ARIS, Twine, PuzzleScript. Draw the game out on paper. Use Twitter to make one like A Dreadful Start. Or use hyperlinks in a series of Medium posts. Link to your game in a Medium post and prepare to talk about it or invite folks to play it during class. Here are some more ideas for how to get started. And some more resources.

[/] WEEK 14 April 12: Online Relationships Alan Levine, “Facebook as Catfish Paradise: Its Community Standards Wears the Cone of Shame” Alec Couros, “Identity, Love, and Catfishing”

April 14: Multiple Internets “The Future of Internet Freedom” “The revt) Assignment: Publish a post to your Medium Pubon tentative response to the question “What is the internet?❠(3) Search #dgst101 on Medium. Find posts by a few of yourTheers and add comments. Respond to comments.

April 7: Make akname. An interactive or collaborative narrative. Even just a k mple prototype for a game. Use inkle, Construct, Sploder, Scspch, ARIS, Twine, PuzzleScript. Draw the game out on paper. UsdeTwitter to make one like A Dreadful Start. Or use hyperlinks ub a series of Medium posts. Link to your game in a Medium postxtand prepare to talk about it or invite folks to play it durialng class. Here are some more ideas for how to get started. td some more resources.

[/] WEEK 14 April 12: Online Relatiefships Alan Levine, “Facebook as Catfish Paradise: Its Comleity Standards Wears the Cone of Shame” Alec Couros, “Idemeity, Love, and Catfishing”


Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?